Peace Bouquet
Peace Bouquet
Spread peace to make this world a better place to live in with this astonishingly beautiful edible arrangement. The symbol of peace, a dove made out of fresh pineapple dipped in bittersweet white chocolate adorns the top of the bouquet, while chocolate-coated vivid strawberries, succulent pineapples shaped like flowers, juicy grapes, tangy oranges, sweet honeydew and refreshing cantaloupe surround the dove, further enhancing its looks and flavours.
Allergy Warning
Allergy Warning
Bountiful Fruit Arrangements products may contain egg, wheat, soy, milk, peanuts, and tree nuts. If you have any allergies, we recommend taking necessary precautions. Please inform us of any allergies so we can accommodate your needs accordingly.
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Is your product nut-free?
Is your product nut-free?
While we do not handle nuts in our facility, please be aware that the chocolate we use may contain nuts or tree nuts. Take necessary precautions when ordering chocolate products.
Does your product include milk?
Does your product include milk?
Please note that all our products may have contact with items that contain milk ingredients. We advise those with food allergies to exercise due caution.
Are there preservatives in your fruit?
Are there preservatives in your fruit?
No, our fruit is entirely natural, and we never add any preservatives.
What is the shelf life of your fruits?
What is the shelf life of your fruits?
If you don't plan to consume the fruits immediately, store them in their original packaging, refrigerate them promptly, and enjoy them within 24 hours. For chocolate-covered strawberries, it's best to indulge as soon as possible.